all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 2HA 14 0 53.366675 -3.172485
CH48 2HB 12 0 53.36771 -3.173205
CH48 2HE 12 1 53.365146 -3.173465
CH48 2HF 13 0 53.362866 -3.17226
CH48 2HG 25 1 53.36511 -3.174334
CH48 2HH 19 0 53.366009 -3.17161
CH48 2HJ 3 0 53.365404 -3.169159
CH48 2HL 20 0 53.365679 -3.17139
CH48 2HN 9 0 53.361188 -3.171027
CH48 2HP 15 0 53.364771 -3.170404
CH48 2HQ 13 0 53.362569 -3.173138
CH48 2HR 11 0 53.365227 -3.170732
CH48 2HS 14 0 53.364855 -3.171969
CH48 2HT 6 0 53.364102 -3.171647
CH48 2HU 7 0 53.364151 -3.170447
CH48 2HW 7 0 53.358539 -3.167994
CH48 2HX 3 0 53.360001 -3.168304
CH48 2HY 2 1 53.359426 -3.163479
CH48 2HZ 5 0 53.358672 -3.163535
CH48 2JA 22 0 53.360365 -3.173348